Hello All! This is my apology blog. Somehow over the course of the last month I have gotten so far behind it is down right pathetic. I have vacation pictures to post, pictures from Cort's 8th birthday and school pictures to post as well as stories from all of the above and then some. We have also done some work on the house but that is all still under major construction. Keep in mind though that as a military family who is renting, major construction on the house consists of some painting and lots of unorganized moving of furniture from one room to another. The rooms we have completed have turned out beautifully although even they are not completely done (to my satisfaction). The other two rooms are still in a stage where it looks like we are trying out for an episode of Hoarders. No matter what I do I can't seem to make progress on them. I will do my best to get caught up but the month of September is proving to be quite busy and there is no slowing down in sight so I apologize in advance for my lack of posts. Below are a few pictures of the kids to keep you happy. :-)

First picture with my new camera. The old one finally died and thanks to my best buy reward points the new one barely cost me anything. Cort was only too happy to pose for the first picture.
He spent most of his summer on his bike.
If he could ride it to school every day I think he would.
She is so happy riding her scooter.
Henry and Cort climbed the Rock wall at Sandy Bottom Nature Park. We took a family bike ride, had a picnic near the lake and then went to the park. It was a great afternoon, a wonderful way to finish off the summer.
The first day of school... Cort going into 2nd grade and Elizabeth starting Pre-K. I can't believe it.