HI! So clearly I am behind as I am just getting around to posting the pictures from Christmas and it is already January 5th. I am sorry. I was trying to decide the best way to post everything and I believe I will post everything separately, starting first with Christmas Eve, which is what is below. There aren't many pictures, just some of my favorite. Over the next few days I will try to do the same with Christmas as well as post some new pictures from Cub Scouts, per request of Grandma. :-)
Christmas Eve was pretty quiet around here. For once I was done with all my shopping, although I still had quite a bit of wrapping to do. The kids and I baked chocolate chip cookies and fudge and delivered some to a friend earlier in the day. We got all dressed up and went to Christmas Eve Mass and the Church was so beautifully decorated. I took some pictures before the Mass began but my camera did not do it justice. It was so breathtaking. Cort has been wanting to sit in the balcony at our Church since we began going there. Typically it is not open but for Christmas they have it open and have a hand bell choir up there. We decided to sit up there and we really enjoyed it. The Mass was beautiful and I loved that both of my kids could recite the "Our Father" perfectly and that Elizabeth did it with a lot of ... enthusiasm. At the end, she said AMEN so loudly that some people laughed and if you have been to a Catholic Mass recently you know you don't say Amen at the end of the Our Father, there is more to it but she is so used to saying it at bedtime that that is exactly what she did. I loved it. When we got home the kids opened their gifts. Traditionally in our house, our elf "happy" leaves a present for each child to open on Christmas Eve. Magically Happy relocated while we were at Mass and was sitting under the Christmas tree next to two gifts addressed to the kids when we returned home. Naturally the kids got pajamas and a robe. They were quite excited. They put on their new pajamas and we set up the chocolate chip cookies (Elizabeth said 3) and fudge (2 pieces per Cort) for Santa as well as some milk. The kids left him a note and off to bed they went. Once I was sure they were asleep I enlisted the help of my elf - Henry and we wrapped all the gifts and put them under the tree. So, here's the funny part - after we were done wrapping I decided to straighten the house. Henry went upstairs to play on the computer and I was just going about things. Next thing I know I hear something in the living room. I come in to discover Scott, our beloved 11 year old lab has eaten Santa's three chocolate chip cookies. Thankfully he didn't eat the fudge. Well the next morning when the kids come down and see the plate Cort says "Hey mom, Santa ate all the cookies, but I guess he didn't like your fudge." If only he knew..... Henry and I both laughed at that one. Anyhow that was our Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve Mass - as seen from the balcony where we sat (Pictures obviously taken before Mass) |
Christmas Eve Mass |
The Nativity on the Altar, I thought it was so beautiful |
The Hampton Coliseum, all lite up. |
The two gifts the kids would open on Christmas Eve |
Quickly opening the gifts |
Their new PJ's and robes |
One last picture before bed on Christmas Eve - Cort, Elizabeth and Scott |
All ready for Santa....Good night and Merry Christmas |
i love you and the kids. miss you guys so much.<3!